Saturday, December 22, 2007

Here's Hillary

You cannot be in Iowa during election season without getting into the action a little bit. Paul was exhausted of school after one of his final exams and decided to go see Hillary who was speaking just 5 minutes down the road. When he got to the venue, everything was packed and he stood in line outside in 12 degree temperatures until Hillary's staffers came up with a plan B--the Marriott Hotel. He was led across the street and and the staffers bought food (compliments of Hillary's donors) at the Marriott's restaurant until Hillary could come over and greet the overflow crowd. It was a lot of fun and Paul was actually more impressed than he thought he would be.


The Child's said...

Paul this is Joe, I am worried about you maybe we need to come visit. HILLARY?????????? yuck

The Child's said...

Paul this is Joe, I am worried about you maybe we need to come visit. HILLARY?????????? yuck