Thursday, November 17, 2011


I love the fall! I love the leaves that crunch under my feet as I walk, the cool brisk air, the excitement of upcoming holidays! What a wonderful time of year! Last Saturday we woke early and spent the morning raking leaves.

My wonderful little helpers. They were such troopers to hold bags all morning while we filled them with leaves.

By the afternoon a storm had blown through and we had enough snow to build a snowman!


My sweet Amber Marie

Hailey at the pumpkin patch.

Halloween princesses. Aubrey was Cinderella and Hailey was Rapunzel.

This was Hailey's pose when we tried to take family pictures!

Aubrey at the pumpkin patch.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Lots of Updates!

There are lots of new posts below. Be sure to check them all out. They are in backward order chronologically so you can start with the post titled "Update" and move up from there.

Amber Marie

The girls came to visit mom and Amber at the hospital and had an immediate bond to her. They are going to be great sisters and best three little princesses!

When Hailey first met Amber she gave this face and exclaimed "Oh my goodness!" It was love at first sight and she has not let Amber alone since.


The next day was Paul's brother's homecoming from his mission to Argentina. It is so fun to have him home.


The Saturday before the baby was born we picked and canned peaches from our very own peach tree. I've never tasted such delicious peaches!

That night we went to the Salt Lake Bees baseball game. It was my first pro baseball game and we spent lots of time trying to cool off with plenty of drinks and treats.


It has been a while since I have last updated. I realized after baby #3 was born that all those people who said #3 was the kicker, suddenly you don't have as many hands as you do children, or that you and your husband are out-numbered and the adjustment is hard...all those people said these things in great wisdom. Child #3 has definitely been an adjustment. So, I start my update before the baby was born. Here are some cute pictures of the girls.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sweet Baby Justensen

Our cute little bundle arrived today. I went into labor at 2am and it was a lot of fun going into labor on my own this time. We went to the hospital and our little princess arrived at 7:40am. She weighs 8lbs even and is 20 inches long. She has a lot of light brown hair and is simply adorable! We are so excited to have her in our family. We have yet to choose a name but hopefully it will come soon.

Monday, August 29, 2011

August 30th

I think August 30th sounds like a great day to have a baby...don't you?! It seems like the perfect birthday, the date just has a ring to it. I am so excited to go to the hospital tomorrow and have my third little princess! I can't wait! I just found out today so I am rushing about trying to get laundry done and the house cleaned. Hip Hip hooray! A brand new baby!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Birthday/Father's Day

Paul's birthday was right before Father's Day. We had a fun party, played Paul Jeopardy and everyone got to know Paul a little better.

I made a frozen yogurt cake for Paul's birthday.

Happy Father's Day! We are so grateful for Paul and what a wonderful husband and father he is. We couldn't ask for a better man to be head of our home! We got him tools for both his birthday and Father's Day. What a great gift for a new homeowner!