Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Birthday/Father's Day

Paul's birthday was right before Father's Day. We had a fun party, played Paul Jeopardy and everyone got to know Paul a little better.

I made a frozen yogurt cake for Paul's birthday.

Happy Father's Day! We are so grateful for Paul and what a wonderful husband and father he is. We couldn't ask for a better man to be head of our home! We got him tools for both his birthday and Father's Day. What a great gift for a new homeowner!


I am far overdue for an update. Here are some random pictures. Enjoy!

Aubrey decided to take a nap in the baby carseat. You can see her head poking out of the top of the carseat.

Easter girls.

Aubrey still loves to dress up! She even walked all the way around the block in heals, getting blisters in the process. She didn't mind the blisters because she had so much fun walking around with her plastic dress up heals on!